cost index 777

I understand what you are saying though. Too slow if you ask me, but engineer smart guys who made up the number didn't ask us. I fly freight so obviously some of those wont apply. You also need to talk about the CI range one of these days. -If they're expecting delays at the destination, they may dial the CI back to just get there at the end of the rush. Join Date: Jun 2003. One of the major changes that has come from this is the change of cost index. The Boeing 777's unique combination of superior range, outstanding fuel efficiency and passenger-preferred comfort has created long-range success for carriers around the world. Soooo maybe you can use that to just toss in some CI's at random for now, or just dial in a fixed mach for cruise (which does happen in the T7). I use 999 because it's not my fuel! Here's an interesting article of the factors that go into them:, Tom Allensworth, Prodanovic[/size][/color], The Janitor - An Interview with Tom Allensworth, Interview with Joshua Howard Re MS FLIGHT - March 2012, Interview with LMOC Re P3D - September 2012, The AVSIM Hack - First Published in May, 2009, The AVSIM Hack - The Full Story - Published April 2013. Donate to our annual general fundraising goal. can you also provide, or can anyone provide cost indexes for various airlines/routes? Location: Madrid. I understand what you're getting at, though, so I'll let someone else attempt to answer that. At the minimum cost index (0) only fuel counts. Hello everybody! Founder of AVSIM Online. list of cost indexes of airlines. Could it be US and European cost indicies use different units? some ways they apply even more. I've been pretty successful using simbrief's CIs with my route time being +/- 2 minutes from schedule. Even calculating a cost index based on approximate time costs and flying ECON speed can yield significant cost benefits to the airline. And the 777-300ER now gives operators a perfect opportunity to extend that success. Posts 1,160. FedEx? HIGH Cost-Index gives fast cruise speed, regardless to fuel LOW Cost-Index gives slow, economy speed, to save fuel. Anyone know for sure? I found a source that says British Airways climb on cost index 0 then cruise with cost index 90. PMDG 777 ; Cost Index Archived. Some nut in our company has changed the sop to CI=0 for the climb and typically CI=100 for the cruise. Figure 3 illustrates the values for a typical 757 flight. Boeing or not going, September 6, 2013 in PMDG 777. Copyright � 2018 MH Sub I, LLC dba Internet Brands. Cost Index. Version 1.3 Download 16642 File Size 1,5 MB Create Date November 3, 2017 Download Download our latest Cost-Index Database for many different … Read More[DOWNLOAD] Cost-Index Database | TOGA Projects  Despite what many will claim here, it's not as static as many would have you believe. -Certain routes will have higher CIs, while others have lower CIs (based on average revenue gained on that segment). I personally can't understand why. By logging into your account, you agree to our, Location: Somewhere between here and there. The airlines cost index database has been updated to v1.0.1. Privacy Statement - Trust me. Climb at: Cost Index 0 Cruise at Cost Index 40 Boeing 777-200 Climb at: Cost Index 0 Cruise at Cost Index 100 Cost Index 0 (Sometimes used on East Coast USA to UK Flights) British Midland 40 Cathay B744 CI:80 China Airlines 85 (Nur B747) Condor Boeing 767-300ER: 30 Boeing 757: 18 EasyJet Airbus A319 Cost Index: 12 Airbus A320 Cost Index: 12 Am I right in thinking that: 1) a high cost index (50-99) is Minimum time / Maximum Speed (hence the higher operating costs through higher fuel burn) 2) a low cost index (0-50) is Minimum Fuel Burn / Maximum … Click here for more information and to see all donations year to date. CI 50 with an option/recommendation to modify descent 82/300 if more appropriate. By Boeing or not going, September 6, 2013 in PMDG 777. Cookie Policy - Way too many people in the NGX forums going all "That's because your CI is too high. On the 777 it translated to a change from 120 to 14. Different Cost indexes from ALOT of airlines. Max Take Off Weight: 1,688,713 Kg 3,722,937 lbs Max Landing Weight: Max Payload: 61,600 Kg 135,803 lbs Fuel Tank Capacity: 53,440 gallon FMCs also limit target speeds appropriately for initial buffet and limit thrust. So you are basically flying at MRC, i guess that your crew costs and mx costs are extremely low. COST INDEX TABLES.....9 3.1 A300/A310 Family 3.2 A320 Family 3.3 A330/A340 Family (a) Cost index brackets (b) A340 specific range versus Mach (c) Recalibrating the cost index (d) Transforming cost index brackets 3.4 Basic options with the cost index concept 4. B763 = CI 34. [color=#a9a9a9][size=1][size=4][img][/img][/size] Lj. There was a period when we were planned at .85/320 (.87/330 Mmo/Vmo) down to South America to try and avoid having an extra crew member... didn't work very well through the ITCZ. The Cost Index is a management tool. the cost index he uses is 35 as it is a good compromise between low fuel flow and acceptable flight time. Many of us just type in 280 and it flies a much better profile. The Cost Index is for use and calculation by the "Bean Counters" to provide an overall lowest trip cost. One of the major changes that has come from this is the change of cost index. A320 = CI 26 A321 = CI 25. I am trying to get some information from other 777 operators on what cost index you use. Sorry to anyone following us who has to take vectors for spacing. This results to a cruise speed of around M.81 vs M.84. -If the flight is delayed on departure and there's still a chance to get there on time, they'll raise the CI to go faster and get there on time. :lol: Let me calculate: Fuel price is 0$. Prev; 1; 2; Next; Page 1 of 2 . AVSIM Online - Simming's Premier Resource! The plane lists for $425.8 million. passengers about to miss their flight connection) or low fuel price (rare these days). We fly B777-200ERs and the cost index initially started off roughly at around 120. We fly B777-200ERs and the cost index initially started off roughly at around 120. High cost index means high cost of time (e.g. 14????? I said, though, I'll let someone come in and give you more specific numbers.  I'm assuming this will be in someone's ETOPS tutorial, eventually. I made two books for engineering students. Entering zero for the cost index results in maximum range airspeed and minimum trip fuel. In the end, though, you're right - it's used too often as the answer when it shouldn't be. Cost index value change on a given sector within day dependant on the change to the time dependant cost ( fligft time ) , overflying cost and fuel price . Archive - Our airline has recently emberked on a fuel saving intiative. All rights reserved. Our airline has recently emberked on a fuel saving intiative. I would have thought that operators from certain oil-rich countries would have used CI=9999, The very best in practical technical discussion on the web, Professional Pilot Training (includes ground studies), The Pacific: General Aviation & Questions, Safety, CRM, QA & Emergency Response Planning, Computer/Internet Issues & Troubleshooting.  I could be massively wrong, however. On average, it comes out at about M0.835 for cruise at or close to Optimum level. The source is safe and professional British Airways BA/BAW: A318 = CI 30. please add if you knodsdsds To find the costindex, please search for it in the right hand corner. The rw value can change based on price of fuel, aircraft, stage length, crew, etc. 777: 314 knots (VMO/MMO minus 16 knots) or a pilot-entered speed greater than 319 knots (VMO/MMO minus 11 knots). ...and if you promised someone that they would get the package based on that schedule... See where I'm going? Climb at: Cost Index 0 Cruise at Cost Index 40 Boeing 777-200 Climb at: Cost Index 0 Cruise at Cost Index 100 Cost Index 0 (Sometimes used on East Coast USA to UK Flights) British Midland 40 Cathay B744 CI:80 China Airlines 85 (Nur B747) Condor Boeing 767-300ER: 30 Boeing 757: 18 EasyJet Airbus A319 Cost Index: 12 Airbus A320 Cost Index: 12 Here is a new updated Cost Index List, for alot of airlines! We have started using cost index 50 which is all well and good apart from the lame 257Kt decent speed.  Say someone paid extra to have something delivered at a particular time and you're running behind schedule.

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cost index 777

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