The Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Lyon (or Lyon Institute of Political Studies) also known as Sciences Po Lyon, is a grande école located in Lyon, France. It has had a low number of alumni (8,500[28] since its establishment). In order to democratize and rationalize access to the senior civil service, the "National School of Administration" (École nationale d'administration) was created on the basis of a project developed by Michel Debré and Emmanuel Monick. "L'ENA, miroir de l'Etat: De 1945 a nos jours (Questions au XXe siecle)";(French Edition); Series: Questions au XXe siècle. Former French ambassador to Haiti. Sciences Po was established in February 1872 as the École Libre des Sciences Politiques (ELSP) by a group of French intellectuals, politicians and businessmen led by Émile Boutmy, and including Hippolyte Taine, Ernest Renan, Albert Sorel and Paul Leroy Beaulieu.. Meggy Pyaneeandee, 2018 Graduate of the School of Management and Innovation, 27, rue Saint Guillaume - 75337 Paris Cedex 07 They are quite distinct from the other traditional elite French schools, in particular the highly specialized Grandes Ecoles in business and engineering, given their multi-disciplinary approach to teaching. Daniel Lebegue. [82] Cultural groups such as "Arriba Do Sul" organize events that highlight foreign cultures or cuisine. Lecturer in International Relations at Sciences Po Lyon. Ouvert sur l'international, il propose des masters "affaires asiatiques" ou "coopération et développement en Amérique Latine...Il est en outre réputé pour ses bons résultats aux concours administratifs, Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques, Centre d'histoire de la résistance et de la déportation, Shanghai International Studies University, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, École nationale d'administration publique, École nationale des travaux publics de l'État, Conservatoire national supérieur de musique et de danse de Lyon, German University of Administrative Sciences Speyer, Centre national de la recherche scientifique, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Association for the Taxation of Financial Transactions and for Citizens' Action, "En chiffres - Sciences Po Lyon - IEP Lyon", "Fac-similé JO du 05/05/1948, page 04362 - Legifrance",,,,!/fr/frise/31/l-elsp-vichy-et-l-occupation/, « Il est créé, sous le nom de Fondation nationale des sciences politiques, un établissement doté de la personnalité civile, dont l'objet est de favoriser le progrès et la diffusion en France, dans l'empire et à l'étranger, des sciences politiques, économiques et sociales»,, "Décret n° 89-901 du 18 décembre 1989 relatif aux instituts d'études politiques - Legifrance", "Mot du Directeur | Sciences Po Lyon - IEP Lyon", "Concours commun dans six Instituts d'Études Politiques | Polit'bistro : des politiques, du café", "Sciences po : le premier banc d'essai des IEP de région", "Ecoles de commerce : oĂš vont les bacheliers "mention très bien"? On 25 November 2020, Sciences Po is launching the European Chair for Sustainable Development and Climate Transition. International Relations and Affairs Group. During their third year at Sciences Po, students can decide either to do a year-long internship or to pursue their studies abroad, at one of 166[28] partner universities. A ce titre, ils sont donc réservés à votre usage strictement personnel dans le Sophie Aubert. The institute has indeed benefited strongly from being part of the Fulbright Program. Sciences Po et l'ÉNA". Professor Emeritus in Economics. Suivi de l'École et la guerre : la transformation de son statut, Paris, Fondation nationale des sciences politiques, 1963, Jacquier-Bruère (pseudonyme de Michel Debré), Emmanuel Monick) "Refaire la France : l'effort d'une génération, Paris, 1945", A tenth IEP will be established in September 2014 in, The percentage for the IEP in Bordeaux is 45 % while for the IEP in Grenoble 32 % in, It was reiterated in its issue No370 dated as of 19 December 2013. [62], The institute is also working on the establishment of a dual master's degree with the University of Virginia.
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