Deadlines to accept your admission offer: Fall term â MAY 1 if you're admitted by April 10. National Education Code specifying the particular status of the European School of Strasbourg and its status as an EPLEI (Établissement public local d’enseignement international): children of families obliged by employment contract to move frequently, residing in the area in the short term, for whom subsequent schooling is envisaged outside the French system; siblings of pupils already enrolled at the European School; children arriving from another European School. The Court basically has a written procedure but occasionally decides to hold public hearings in specific cases. November 15, 2020 - Early Action** February 1, 2020 - Priority Admission; April 1, 2021 - Regular Admission* *Thereafter - Rolling Admission (applications considered on basis of space availability) **Early Action is a non-binding commitment to attend ESU. Children of personnel belonging to diplomatic and consular missions of the member states of the European Union, the nonmember European states, and of other states. Criteria for Candidates. Standardized test scores. The 2020-2021 admission campaign to the European School of Strasbourg is closed since June 05, 2020. The College of Engineering encourages test scores or graded work in calculus, chemistry, and physics. FRANCE, +33 (0)3 88 34 82 20 La classe de Création et Interprétation Electroacoustique au Conservatoire et à l'Académie Supérieure de Musique de Strasbourg We are using cookies to give you the best experience on our website. For more information see our privacy policy. Children whose parents plan to move within Europe or for whom the family desires an education in the spirit of the European Schools. The school's Sixth Form Admissions Policy for those seeking entry in the 2021-2022 academic year is available via the link below. Applications received after October 15 will be considered on a space-available basis. We have temporarily suspended the standardized test score requirement for the 2021-2022 academic year (fall 2021 and spring 2022). Admission may be made contingent upon passing tests of language level. Décret N°2015-232 du 27 février 2015 du Ministre de l’Education Nationale, de l’enseignement supérieur et de la recherche, portant organisation et fonctionnement de l’Ecole européenne de Strasbourg. Au sein de l'Académie supérieure de musique de Strasbourg, la formation ouvre aux métiers de musicien d’orchestre, soliste, chambriste, chefs d’ensemble, compositeur, improvisateur, ainsi qu’aux … Late CAO applications are not considered for HEAR. Audience measurement cookies make it possible to collect anonymous information such as the number of visitors to the site and the most popular pages. All applications are due by October 15, 2020. At the end of the hearing, the judges withdraw to deliberate. Due to Covid-19, students will have until June 1 to accept their offer of admission for Fall 2020 La HEAR est un établissement d'enseignement supérieur artistique (Art, Design, Communication, Musique) situé à Mulhouse et Strasbourg. B4. Au sein de l'Académie supérieure de musique de Strasbourg, la formation ouvre aux métiers de musicien d’orchestre, soliste, chambriste, chefs d’ensemble, compositeur, improvisateur, ainsi qu’aux … By creating these ITIs, the University of Strasbourg, in partnership with the CNRS and the Inserm, is consolidating its long … If you have elected to take a standardized test and would like to share the results, official test scores may be submitted in one of the following ways: Last date for the payment of fee (a) The last date for payment of first term fee is July 10, 2020.
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